digitalized documents

Our archive contains an almost incalculable amount of documents in digitalized form.

In order to offer you the possibility to search in this huge data stock, we have created a special search function.

You can enter up to four search terms in the "Search" field - separated by spaces. There is no distinction between upper and lower case and all text fields are found that contain a search term as part.

The search result contains - besides basic information - the value „idx:“ as order term. With the value for idx you can contact the archive and ask for the corresponding documents. The e-mail address is: .

Of course, you are very welcome to contact the archive with any request immediately if the search function did not work successfully for you.


Anzahl: 64080
company: Device name: model: type-addon: Title: Author: Magazine: from page: to page: Document type: Print title: Year: Comment: Comment 1: Comment 2: Comment 3: idx:
Telefunken Bajazzo TS Foto Front 10210
Telefunken Caprice 101 Foto Front 10211
Telefunken Concertino 55 Foto Front 10212
Telefunken Concertino 53 Foto Front 10213
Telefunken Opus Studio 2550 Foto Front 10214
Telefunken Opus 50 Foto Front 10215
Telefunken 876 GWK Foto Front 10216
Telefunken 31 G Foto Front oben 10217
Telefunken 31 G Foto Front 10218
Telefunken 31 G Foto Front 10219
Telefunken 898 WK Foto Front 10220
Telefunken T 9 Foto Front 10221
Telefunken T 9 Foto front offen 10222
Telefunken 33 W Foto Front 10223
Telefunken 122 W Foto Front 10224
Telefunken 122 W Foto Front mit LS 10225
Telefunken 230 W Foto Front mit LS 10226
Telefunken 343 W Foto Front mit LS 10227
Telefunken 330 Nauen Foto Front 10228
Telefunken Filius Foto Front 10229
Telefunken 975 GWK Foto Front 10230
Telefunken 40 W spezial Foto Front 10231
Telefunken 40 W spezial Foto front offen 10232
Telefunken 343 W Foto Front 10233
Telefunken 122 W Foto Front 10234
Telefunken 122 W Foto Rückwand 10235
Telefunken Bayreuth 652 WL Foto Front 10236
Telefunken Bayreuth 653 WL Foto Front 10237
Telefunken SK 50 Foto Front 10238
Telefunken 876 GWK Foto Front 10239
Telefunken T 5001 Foto Front 10240
Telefunken 586 WLK Foto Front 10241
Telefunken 354 BK Foto Front 10242
Telefunken Gavotte 8 Foto Front 10243
Telefunken Operette 50 Foto Front 10244
Telefunken T 9 W Foto Front 10245
Telefunken T 9 W Foto Innen 10246
Telefunken Bajazzo TS Röhre Foto Front 10247
Telefunken Andante S Foto Front 10248
Telefunken 686 WK Export Foto Front 10249
Telefunken 7001 WK Foto Front 10250
Telefunken D 860 WK Foto Front 10251
Telefunken 713 W Foto Front 10252
Telefunken Operette 6 W Foto Front 10253
Telefunken Andante Foto Front 10254
Telefunken M 24 Foto Front 10255
Telefunken Caprice Foto Front 10256
Telefunken Concertino 9 Foto Front 10257
Telefunken Largo 1253 Foto Front 10258
Telefunken Orchestra 659 GWK Foto Front 10259