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Startseite » Röhrenradios und andere alte Empfänger » Radios » Hagenuk E75 (Hat jemand Informationen?)
Aw: Hagenuk E75 [Beitrag #13735 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #13721] Mo., 29 April 2019 01:13 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Beiträge: 1872
Registriert: Juli 2012
Ort: In Hör-Reichweite der au...
Hello ea3iav,
somewhere, I should have the schematic for your receiver.... If you are patient, I'll locate it some fine day and will post it here.
And, as already mentioned by ocean-boy, those large capacitors are of the paper-in-oil-type, no electrolytics, they usually seem to last forever and rarely are at fault. Do not replace them unless they are clearly inoperative. Same applies to the black selenium rectifier, altho these sometimes are out of tolerance. You should not simply install a silicon rect as a replacement as that will result in too high B+ and transformer overload.
Which sort of small capacitors are used under the chassis ? Hagenuk used different series of capacitors and some became mad over the decades while others didn't. If your receiver contains some of those capacitors that urgently require replacement now, start from that point. Don't replace anything else before.
So, in tbe next step, please take and upload a photo showing us a bottom view of the chassis, enabling us to see whether there are capacitors that urgently require replacement.
Best regards from Hamburg !
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Vorheriges Thema: Musikschrank TeKaDe Wp477
Nächstes Thema: Siemens E310
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