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icon5.gif  Price for 1950s Lorenz radio? [Beitrag #16249] Mi., 11 August 2021 21:40 Zum nächsten Beitrag gehen
Thunderpelocho ist gerade offline  Thunderpelocho
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Hi all, I have the opportunity to buy a 1950s Lorenz radio, see pictures attached. It seems that it hasn't been cannibalised, although obviously it will need significant restoration efforts. This is a bit of an odd-ball radio in a metal box, made by Lorenz in 1000x quantities under the Marshall plan and distributed to various locations in Greece.

I am wondering how should I go about pricing this radio - what would be a fair price to the seller? Unfortunately I have no previous examples of this unit changing hands.


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Aw: Price for 1950s Lorenz radio? [Beitrag #16251 ist eine Antwort auf Beitrag #16249] Mo., 16 August 2021 22:54 Zum vorherigen Beitrag gehen
Anode ist gerade offline  Anode
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There is some information about this device here in our forum on this thread: Lorenz community receiver?
Unfortunately this is almost all we know about it. Even the rm.org page doesn't tell a lot about ist.
Even though there were less than 1000 of this devices produced some of them survided until today. The interior looks like a successor of the famous Schaub SG42 (similar to the Lorenz L45W), probably with added SSB support.
So it's very difficult to give a good price information here. I would suspect it somewhere in the 300 € region as the listed device seems to be complete and not too much worn-out. But this is just my own private guess.


Dirk Becker / Anode
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